

What is The Kolatier?

It is an African music market. When we talk about The Kolatier, we also mean meetings and debates around the professionalization of jobs related to music and of African artists.

This year shall be the 8th edition of the Africa music market running from the 7th to the 10th October 2015 in Yaoundé. This 8th edition will be as special as the 7th edition who welcomed the first edition of the International show of African music (SIMA). Professionals from France, Belgium, Canada, Algeria, Benin, Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, Chad, Gabon, Congo, Ivory Coast, South Africa, Kenya, Cameroon and many others. Musicians, independents experts, structure representatives and professional organisations shall be present, showing and affirming the awakening of the Kolatier and that of our country in terms of culture.

Kolatier 2015 provides many activities namely the workshop of “communication, marketing and management of cultural events related to music.” This workshop shall be animated from the 5th to the 10th October by professionals.

A round Table around the theme: “How can African states benefit from fallouts of African music?” expected for the 10th October 2015.

The Kolatier also have number of partners particularly the Foundation Music in Africa, the International advice of music in the frame of AMDP (African Music Development Program), Arterial Network, the French Institute in Yaoundé, L’OTHNI- the Theatre Laboratory of Yaoundé, the CRTV and the whole of media.

What are the peculiarities of this edition?

The Kolatier 2015 shall dedicate itself on two axes:

There shall be concerts every night as from 5 pm at the French Institute of Yaoundé;

A workshop on communication and administration of cultural projects related to music at the CERDOTOLA premises in Yaoundé- Bastos.

Access condition to Kolatier 2015

You must have your invitation cards, but the concerts are free of charge for the public.

Par Michele Fante (Stagiaire)


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