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Rihanna announces the outcome of a new Album in 2019

The Singer, Whose last album ANTI accounts since 2016, just confirmed that the year 2019 would be a great return for her musical career.

Would 2019 be the year Rihanna released at last her ninth album in the studios? Yes, if one has to believe her comments on Istagram. The singer, who has just launch her on line cosmetic (Fenty Beauty) and her brand on Loins Savage x Fenty, she is always been questioned by some of her fans concerning the coming out of her new music.

Her last album ANTI, adopted by some admirers as Work and Kiss It Better upload since 2016. Since, the Pop star concentrated her career in the domain of mode and beauty, descending a little music – at the great vision of her admires, who asks with no limits the out come of her new album.

And if “Riri” has always neglected these questions, she finally answered to the question of an internet browser. “2019”, has simply written an original Savage, meanwhile she remains the brands ambassador.

By Doh Didier



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