
Matthieu: “The new star of the Gospel music”

His live
        ABBE Matthieu Francis was born on the 15th of June 1986 at Evoudoula in the Lékié department. He sang for his first time in a church at Evoudoula when he was 3 yrs old , he began percussion when he was 6 yrs old and guitar at 10 yrs old. His first musical group was the choir “new generation” in a parish of Evoudoula at the age of 7, and this group had as manager late pastor OKALA. In 2001 he goes to Yaoundé for further his studies, there, he does anthropology and presently he is waiting for his transfer where he will be teaching Cameroonian languages and culture.  The fact that he was living with his cousin Dieudonné Bikélé really instigated him to do in the domain of music. There, he met a number of musicians particularly Jean Pierre Essome, Koffi OLOMIDE, Papa WEMBA, Richard BONA. In 2004, he starts singing in the cabaret “Terre batue” where he interprets songs of great Cameroonian singers like Eboa Lotin, Lokoua Kanza, Donny Elwood, George Séba and many others. He did cabaret just to improve on his stage performance that is why he stops in 2005. In 2005 then, he decides to do only gospel music in solo.
His album
         He has a maxi single “Revelation” who encloses 5 titles:
·         Marre de ma vie, this song talks about someone who have enough to live without Jesus Christ, for, living without Jesus means you are not living at all.
·         Dzu ma which is in Eton means forgive me, in this song he is asking God to forgive him for all his sins.
·         Elever; here he is asking God to raise him.
·         Les loups dans la bergerie, here he sings about religious hypocrisy.
·         Aimer Jésus, here he sings about God loves for us and he is also inviting people to love God.
This album was directed by pipiyou concept for the clan concept and shall be out in the nearest future.
 What we must know about Matthieu:
           I am not afraid for my album success, because all what God does is beautiful, good and it is not always to please the public but to make them understand and glory be to God. The purpose of artistic work is not always lucrative. I see the gospel as a whole, people must not think that it is only when you put biblical verse in songs that the song becomes a gospel. To make a good work, learn to work with professionals, and stop making barriers between church and those that we qualify to be “of the world”. What I want you people to understand here is that, the gospel has no boundary.
The technical team
     Michel Mbarga (guitar)                      George Onguéné (percussion)
      Petit Jean Abanda (drums)                  Francis Mbé (fixer and director)
      Coco Drums (drums)                           Mirine Eyenga (chorus)
      Marcien Oyono (guitar)                       Aimé le Beau (assistant director)
      Gode (drums)                                      Beau Soleil (assistant  director)
Recording House
     Studio black feeling record.
By Michele Fante


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